Reviews of wines and beers and etc that I've tried - just my personal notes

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Jacques Sans Souci Blanc 2005

$8 @ winelibrary w/free shipping offer
12% ABV

weak yellow/jaundice color.

nose is very disappointing. very heavy on the alcohol. in the way back, a light hint of summer fizzy grapes.

w'oh. this goes down like water. literally, like water. could be dangerous in that respect.
really not much taste at all. i can see this being excellent mixed. its also a pretty decent summer wine fo rthose that don't like the sweetness normally associated with summer wines.
so on one hand, it could actually have taste. on the other hand, this is exactly what the doctor ordered when its 100F out and you don't feel like a corona.

and if you don't like it, just cook wiht it

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